Monday, 14 January 2013

Focus 2013

Now that I've recovered from the frenzy of the holiday season, I'm taking some time to focus my energies on my businesses and what I want to create for them this year. It is a difficult task, especially when it means that you need to slow down and minimize your efforts to maximize your gains- a fact that keeps making itself a theme for me.

Over the past 3 years, I've tried different things- some worked and some not so much. In this learning process, what I have discovered is that it really is better to do one thing really well than to do lots of things fairly well. Perhaps it stems from the numerous requests I've had from people only to find in the long run, that catering to the few is not profitable.

Well this year all that is gonna change. I still have lots of plans in my head, but only a select few will become reality. It is time I elevate my thinking and place my work in the category of luxurious value it deserves to be in. Less is more, details are important, craftsmanship becomes manufacturing. I am ramping up for a very successful year. I am excited to show you the changes and see what manifests!

Are you an entrepreneur? What is your focus? How do you perceive your brand? How do you want others to see it? These are the questions I've asked myself. You live and you learn. It's taken me 3 years to understand and align my vision with my creative process. (Not an easy thing to do when all you want to do is create!) I think I've got it though. Can't wait to see how it all turns out.

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